Not only do we have the best babysitter in the world, she is helping our kids to learn Spanish. Jonah is being shy in this video, but he know how to count to three in English and Spanish. He'll be two the end of the month.
Jonah is my little party boy. Ever since he was a baby he has had rhythem. You can even see it in his little strides as he walks. He started walking at nine months and was running by 10 1/2 months... Papi is always really good at making a beat and sometimes beat boxes for us. Jonah not only tries to do it, but he dances to the beat. He is my baby, and he knows a great beat when he hears it.
In this video Jonah is dancing to his favorite song at the moment. This was the tail end of our little dance party. At the end he runs up to me asking for food. All that dancing made him hungry. He's my little jitterbug and I love him so much. Jonah always brings a smile to our faces.
A Mommy's Brag Spot: Things that our little chiquis can do before she turned 2
-Toss the volleyball back and forth with her Papi. I wonder where she got that from? We watch Ruben play Volleyball in his league every Friday night -Do the splits... "I do splits!" She loves to dance and do the splits... She's almost two a front summersault, but she flops to the side instead of rolling completely over -Tell us about her day using phrases: "Mail the letters, feed the duckies, go to H-E-B (the grocery store) -- Just a few highlights out of a typical day -Loves to have dance parties when Mommy and Papi come home from work. Her favorite songs are what she calls "Shake Your Body" (A hip version of the hokey pokey) and another song that sounds like Santa Claus is singing it -Helps mommy cook and clean. She loves to stir and add things to the pot while I'm cooking -Sings parts of and does the hand motions for "Popcorn Popping on the Apricot Tree" and "Once There Was a Snowman" - two of her favorite songs -Sings the ABC song... When she gets to now I know my ABC's she starts back again at HIJKLMNOP for a couple more times through -Sings the whole song, "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" -Speaks in full sentences... Just tonight she got in her playhouse and said, "I need a pillow" -Count to ten... Of course she goes from 1-6 at times and then counts from 6-10 at other times
Some of Kasiana's Favorite Things...
-Spaghetti, fruit, cheese, veggies (broccoli being one of her favorites, & dipping things in Ranch dressing - Chicken Nuggets and hamburgers - Dancing in the living room with Mommy and Papi - Playing in her box outside (Sandbox) - Visiting "Baby Jesus", in the neighbor's nativity set- Riding her bike - Playing with kids - Looking for mows (kitties) - Petting Brandy, the neighbor's dog- Going to the park- Hanging out with Nita - Feeding the duckies- Destroying the house... and taking out things where we've just cleaned up - Getting food samples at H-E-B (the local grocery store)- Thomas, Elmo, Barney, and Jeff from the Wiggles- Seeing her Grandma, Grandda, Abuelita, & Abuelito -Buying new books at the thrift store with her Nita -Bedtime rituals: Reading books, singing songs (True-la-la-lou is one of her favorites... a song my grandma sang me that I think she made up. It named everybody that loved me...) Of course we always list her Nannaw and Pa in the song. We miss them so much - Getting treats from her Papi when he comes home from work. She checks his pockets
Cute Things About Kasiana...
Kasiana is so loveable. In the play area at the mall, she'll walk up to kids that are playing with her or around her and stretch her arms out, saying "hug", to give them a hug. They don't always know how to take her.
Kasiana loves her babies. We have to take them everywhere. She is a great little mother and her family is getting bigger by the day. Grandma just bought her a new baby. It doesn't have a name yet, but she calls her "new baby". New baby might be going back to the store. The day mom coincidentally bought her, I saw her on the news that morning with outraged mothers. She talks and it seems that one of her voice tracks says, "ISLAM IS LIFE". At first it was pretty funny. Now it is annoying. One of her favorite babies she has named "Wikki". We're not exactly sure where that name has come from.
Thursday, I took Kasiana out to run errands. We stopped by a dance studio, since Kasiana's favorite show is the Wiggles. She is always dancing. She was so excited, and I could hardly keep her from running out on the dance floor. When she saw her Papi, she was so excited to tell him. She said, "They dance... they dance"
On Friday when I came home from work, Nita showed me how Kasiana has learned to climb up into her high chair all by herself. She is going to be a gymnast!
Nita took Kasiana to What-A-Burger for lunch. The lady that worked there was commenting on how cute she is. The lady asked when her birthday is. Nita told her that it was in March. The lady responded that her birthday was in March too. Kasiana said, "Happy Birthday to you," in a singing voice.